艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:2863914




2012-11-30 09:15:25 来源:艺术家提供 作者: 谭平






I believe, for a good piece of art, its internal quality makes up for just one aspect of its evaluation, it is in the exhibition space that the artwork and its value come into full realization. Has the artist taken into consideration the 'spatial' elements during the creative process? How does he define the relation between the artwork and the 'space' it is set in? These questions ultimately determine whether a piece of art is fulfilled in its entirety.

For any Chinese artists, to have an exhibition in the Main Hall of the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) is a lifetime event. No doubt one would throw in all one's energy into the space and carefully select one's seminal works to be put in the Hall. I, having the honor to be the first Chinese abstract artist to carry out a solo exhibition in the Main Hall, have thought about what it means, both for me and for the Museum, to have such an exhibition. Whether to show works in the past, or to create afresh for this particular space? The answer is, as it turned out, the latter. For this purpose, I've made numerous field trips to the museum and have been trying to conceive what kind of an abstract work would strike up a conversation with the nearly 40 meter long, curved space that seemingly carries an authoritative air. How to upset people's preconception about the classical exhibition space? How to make an abstract exhibition, an abstract artwork a double challenge to both the audience and the space? How to assign new meanings to the conventional museum space? The first thought that came to me is that I am going to discard the established, large-scaled, framed, two-dimensional canvas.

For an artwork to resonate with the 40 meter curved space, it has to summon enough strength and tension to occupy that space. At the very beginning, I considered using impactful scale and multimedia displays to create a strong presence, but when I started tracing the very first, innermost impulse, and the very origin of my creation, the Hall began to quiet down and a long, thin, curved line surfaced the wall.

We begin our understanding of the world from a circle. When a boy first picks up a drawing pen, the first human figure he draws is a circle. As he grows, he adds small circles to the big one, to create arms and legs. I remember how, as a school child, I was constantly stirred by an urge to "destroy". The seed of unrest within me was always ready to resist any form of confinement. The school bell preluded the after-class hours, and the mindless doodling on textbooks composed a childhood rhapsody. Roaming the streets, I picked up a small wooden stick from nowhere, then fled from one Hutong to another, scratching the Hutong walls with the stick in my hand. It thrust through a wall, stopped, then another wall, and another, leaving long, curvy lines that mark my youthful destruction. My most vivid memory of that age, 12 or 13, was the desire to 'destroy', and its carefree state. Today, as I am standing at the Hall of the Museum, facing this long wall, should I return to that state-of-the-past? Would I fulfill a spiritual excursion with this 40 meter long line, once again in that mental state of the unsettled youth?

It is an inspirational moment, starting from projecting an illusionistic space with big scale and multimedia presentation, to eventually settling down on wood-cutting, one of the most basic techniques in print-making, primitive even. Now a rounded knife and a long, wooden panel, like rivals in a dual, wait in quiet for the call to charge. To work a knife on a 40 meter long panel requires complicated preparations: from choosing the right knife, to tuning the scale of the knife to that of my body; the wooden surface demands both the dexterity of the knife but also a certain level of crudity of the marks it leaves. The 40 meter long line was done with a single, continuous breath within six hours. The moment the knife touches the panel is like that of a sharp blazer cutting through the skin, marching slowly and ever deeply into the dark surface. Six hours of undulating movement submerges me entirely into the ‘moment’ of my life, as if all my energy, experience, knowledge, and my internal struggles, all are sealed within the pivotal moment the knife collides with the panel. Only in this way can I envisage the spiritual territory that I have aspired to, even though all that is left is a curvy, white trace on a dark surface. The six hours seem infinitely prolonged with the knife marching inch by inch, almost creating suffocation as a result of the intense focus. While I am working, serious reflections on “life” scarcely enter me. The beauty and rhythm of the line does not recall any particular moment of sadness, or gaiety. I am only feeling intensely the advancement of the knife and the resistance it has met, while a cracking sound is made. I have to keep an eye on the direction and shift of the knife, and yet not think too much, as a walking person wouldn’t be conscious of his walking. The instant I set my knife on the wooden panel it becomes a spiritual release, revealing my view on art and life, as it moves in spontaneous with the tempo of my life.


